The kinds of problems I had with automatic fill flash (left) with the NEX-7 (the A77 behaved the same way). Switching to manual flash and manual exposure (right) was the only way to correct for it... until now. |
Also in this issue:
- Not Your Father's Flash Exposure
- Living Vicariously through war photojournalist Chuck Nacke
- Upcoming Events
- Underwater Photography with the RX-100
Anyone who’s followed my blog knows the problems I’ve had to endure with the flash exposure accuracy of the A77, A65, and NEX-7. Above is an example of a subject taken outdoors, in the shade, with the NEX-7. The left image is with the camera set to AUTO (where not only was the flash overexposed but so too was the background), and the right is when I switched to Manual Exposure Mode and put the flash on Manual output. (Good thing I grew up doing this sort of thing so it took me only a minute to recover from this frustrating output.) I wrote about this problem in my books and
blogged about it on more than one occasion.