Also in this issue:
- The Future of Sony's A-mount
- Announcements
- Day 2 of the Seminar is now available for streaming!
In the states, there is a special kind of baseball game called T-ball which caters to 4-year-olds. Rather than having to hit a ball that is pitched to them, the baseball sits stationary on a stand (a “T”) and the kids swing the bat to hit it.
T-ball tournaments are all the rage here, but this month I witnessed what I think is pretty extraordinary. At the end of the season there was a “World Series” playoff, and a whole team of T-ball players from Taiwan flew in to participate!

That’s right – a whole bunch of rich parents paid gobs of money to give their kids an international travel experience that they are very likely too young to appreciate. I had the honor of shooting one of the games in this historic playoff.